In this blog, we’re going to break down why proper home ventilation is so important to maintain a healthy living space. First of all, you need to know what ventilation systems are useful in winter as well as in summer. During the winter, they can control excess moisture and prevent the buildup of any indoor pollutants. A bonus – proper home ventilation also reduces condensation on your windows and doors.

Hay fever symptoms

In the summer, there are many serious triggers for hay fever and it can be a cause of suffering for many people. Something as simple as a more effective ventilation system can help to filter out pollen and prevent it from getting inside. With good home ventilation, windows can remain closed and help alleviate symptoms of hay fever, not to mention that adequate ventilation and breathing clean air are essential for maintaining the best oxygen supply.

Asthma and breathing

Damp and mould are among the main asthma triggers. If your home is humid and it doesn’t have adequate ventilation, dust can breed rapidly, causing allergic reactions, itching, runny noses, respiratory issues and even headaches. By investing in better ventilation, you can help prevent these symptoms and reap the benefits immediately. They remove airborne contaminants that exacerbate respiratory conditions and replace polluted air with fresh outdoor air.


One of the major issues experienced during the winter is condensation. When the air inside our homes is warmer than the air outside, the moisture from the inside air migrates to the coldest surfaces (windows and doors) and essentially steams up the windows. Condensation may be annoying, but it also is the leading cause of mould growth – especially if left to develop over time. Damage to your home and the smell of damp is bad enough, but it can eventually result in health problems if not addressed. Adding proper home ventilation will alleviate the stale air during the winter and contribute to a fresher and healthier living environment.

If you need help with your home ventilation, we offer a free quote within 48 hours with fast installation and high standards of workmanship.

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